Post by Peterj on May 25, 2022 15:19:32 GMT
the results of a 21 image noise stacked
That is quite impressive.
Probably a dumb question ---- the images used in a noise stack --- unlike most other bracket sets, they can all be of the same ISO and all be very noisy, right ?
If I am grasping this correctly, noise stacking would be very much akin to setting up a tripod and taking dozens of photos of some very busy public place and manipulating all the images such that all the people disappear and it looks as if the image was taken when no one was there --- except, instead of random people all over the place, it is random noise all over the place, right ?
My understanding is that three identical photos, taken with identical settings and conditions, will not have identical noise mapping, right ?
No such thing as a dumb question. There is noise in all digital images which is random; the reason noise is objectionable is due to the signal to noise ratio where light on the subject is the signal. The test situation I created used a tripod, low ambient light and a high ISO - all 21 of the image set had identical settings.
I've not tried to remove unwanted people from a scene using this, but it should work.
Link to a paper "Median Stacking to Reduce Noise" which includes instructions for PS, PSE with Elements+ installed, On Photo Raw by manualy changing layer opacity (can be used with layer based editing program